Monday, January 12, 2009

Fruit Bowl

This was my first project in Art 182, 3-D Design. We where just supposed to make geometric shapes out of card stock material which sounds extremely easy, but try making a Great Rhombicuboctahedron (26 sided shape)!

Craftsmanship was also very important so that all my edges matches up precisely. These are just a few more pictures of my shapes. I took the extra pictures to include in a book we had to make of all our art projects.

This assignment helped me out some in my fruit bowl assignment in that I had to make spheres for the fruit out of this same card stock material.

First Blog Post

I think I want to make this blog about my artwork, or lack thereof? I think this will hold me accountable to be more creative and to do more, we shall see. In the mean time I will be posting past works and ideas I have for the future (aka Spring). Enjoy!